TEA May SPED Newsletter

May 28, 2024

Texas Education Agency

May 2024

Special Education Newsletter

image of graduating students
orange megaphone


Public Release of SPP/APR LEA Reports Published on TEA Website

On Thursday, May 2, 2024, TEA published a To the Administrator Addressed (TAA) correspondence to announce the public release of the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2022 local educational agency (LEA) level State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) reports for the school year 2022-23. Users can access and download the LEA level SPP indicator reports by visiting the District Profile of State Performance Plan Indicators Report webpage. Users can customize their search by selecting the school year, report format, report level, and entering the LEA name or county-district number.

The statewide SPP indicator report along with the 20 ESC reports can be accessed and downloaded from the Local Education Agency Public Reporting webpage. To view the recorded webinar on this topic, visit TEA’s Special Education Webinars and Newsletters webpage and click on “View 5-9-24 Webinar.”

Post-school Outcomes Survey Launches in June

The State Performance Plan Indicator (SPPI) 14 survey measures post-school outcomes for students who were receiving special education services when they exited public school. TEA contracts with a vendor to conduct the SPPI 14 survey. On June 3, Gibson Consulting Group will launch the summer 2024 survey for students who were enrolled in grades 9-12 during the 2022-23 school year and graduated, dropped out, completed a GED, or withdrew to enter college. Resources are available on the Texas SPED Support website to understand the SPPI 14 post-school outcomes survey. Watch the videos to learn more about SPPI 14, including how to use the results of the survey to inform transition planning practices or to increase response rates. Use the bookmark to share information about the post-school outcomes survey with students and families.

This year, former students and families will receive invitations to complete the survey through the following methods:

  • Email messages from [email protected]
  • Phone calls from (512) 580-6008
  • Text messages from (833) 495-3340
  • Postcards

For questions about the survey, they may contact Gibson by sending an email to [email protected] or calling (512) 580-6008. They may also complete the survey by visiting www.TxExit.com.

Call for Submissions: Publishers of Evidence-Based Dyslexia Programs

When a student is identified with dyslexia and is determined to need dyslexia instruction, State Board of Education (SBOE) rules located at 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 74.28, which includes the Dyslexia Handbook (Handbook), require the provision of evidence-based dyslexia instruction. The first consideration for this type of instruction is the use of an evidence-based dyslexia program.

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is requesting the submission of certain materials included in evidence-based dyslexia instruction programs to provide LEAs assistance in selecting programs for use in their own LEAs.  The intended outcome of this call for submissions is to develop a resource list of dyslexia instruction programs based on the review of materials described in the application and in accordance with the rubrics listed in the proposal.  LEAs will not be required to choose from this list, but each LEA nevertheless must ensure that programs used in the LEA meet all requirements of law and SBOE rule, including the Handbook. LEAs need to be prepared to demonstrate to interested stakeholders how programs used in the LEA comply with law and rule requirements

Find out more about the call for submissions and apply hereApplications are due by: June 21, 2024. Contact [email protected].gov with questions. 


Upcoming Dates

  • May 22-June 10: Early results for state assessments available. (see Spring 2024 Early Student Results for the Texas Assessment Program topic in Department News for more information)
  • June 3: SPPI 14 survey launches for students who were enrolled in grades 9-12 during the 2022-23 school year.
  • June 3: Last amendment due date for both the 2023-2024 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) and the 2023-2024 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (State).
  • June 12: General registration deadline for the Texas Autism Conference.
  • June 20-22Texas Autism Conference in Austin, Texas (virtual options available). Family day is June 22 and is FREE of charge.
  • June 21: Deadline for publishers to submit proposals to TEA regarding evidence-based dyslexia instruction programs. (see Announcement section for details)
  • July 29-30ALIGNED! 2024: From Child Find to IEP Implementation is a free virtual conference. Up to 12 CPEs, 1.15 ASHA CEUs, and 12 NASP CEUs hours will be available for all attendees who participate in the live, synchronous sessions.
  • August 31: Due date for the TED required training.
  • December 6: SSES+ Medically Fragile Program ends.

Don’t forget to check out TEA’s Special Education Webinars and Newsletters website for a list of upcoming events, previous webinar recordings, and past editions of the Special Education Newsletter.

image of group discussion

Did you know… 

that May was Mental Health Awareness Month? According to data from the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year and 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14. TEA has made available several resources to support LEAs in ensuring the mental health of their students on TEA’s Mental Health and Behavioral Health website as well as on Texas SPED Support.

Dawne Vanderhule picture

This month’s staff highlight is Dawne Vanderhule Jewell, Child Find and Evaluation Coordinator. Dawne has been in her TEA role for five years. Throughout her career, she has worked in various roles as a director of special education services, educational diagnostician, special education teacher, and TEA certified speech therapist. Dawne and her husband Jim share ten grandchildren in their blended family. Dawne’s interests include taking care of their ranch animals, reading biographies and historical fiction, and gardening. Dawne especially identifies with TEA’s core value – Servant Leaders – and continuously strives to improve outcomes for students, as well as support their families and educators who serve them.  

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In This Issue

Texas SPED Support

Monthly Spotlight:

Texas SPED Support has tons of resources and professional development for administrators, educators, and support staff who work with students with disabilities. Highlighted this month are the various tools and templates available on this website. Before you make your own tool or template, check out Texas SPED Support’s offerings!

Follow on Facebook, Instagram, & Threads: @TexasSPEDSupport
Follow on Twitter: @TXSPEDSupport


State Systemic Improvement Plan Quarterly Announcement

The State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is a multi-year initiative that focuses on a specific area of need identified through data analysis and stakeholder input. TEA’s SSIP aims to increase the readingproficiencyrate for all children with disabilities in grades 4, 8, and high school against grade level and alternate achievement standards, with or without accommodations. TEA’s SSIP comprises four improvement strategies:

1. Allocate Resources

  • Support regional Education Service Centers (ESCs) and LEAs in enhancing student outcomes
  • Leverage state and federal funds for technical assistance, professional development, and resource allocation
  • Expand dyslexia support and reading instruction programs
  • Adopt early childhood literacy programs by LEAs
  • Provide additional support to LEAs through grants for regional liaisons

2. Expand Initiatives and Opportunities

  • Continue network supports, resources, and professional development opportunities to enhance reading instruction and address related issues

3. Communicate Expectations, Standards, and Results

  • Provide statewide training through Reading Academies and Reading Academies ESC Implementation Grant
  • Implement certification requirements and training for school personnel to extend the reach of reading instructional strategies

4. Collaboration

  • Collaborate with higher education institutions, statewide agencies, and organizations to improve teacher quality initiatives
  • Ensure consistency across programs and policies that impact student outcomes
  • Complete a revised educational diagnostician certification and test framework aligned with updated standards
  • Approve specific test items for the educational diagnostician exam


To support these strategies, TEA offers free articles and self-paced courses that align with the SSIP on the Texas SPED Support website. Stay tuned for more updates on the progress of TEA’s State Systemic Improvement Plan and its impact on improving reading proficiency for students with disabilities in Texas.

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) funded networks can be found on the IDEAs that Work Find a Center or Grant website. TEA funded technical assistance can be found on the TEA Special Education Guidance webpage.

Spring 2024 Early Student Results for the Texas Assessment Program

Early student results for spring 2024 administrations of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®), STAAR Alternate 2, and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) will be available for district testing coordinators and superintendents in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) to aid district personnel in making student-level decisions. In addition, early data files will be posted to the Secure File Center for the district testing coordinator (DTC). Early student results will be available in CRS for other authorized educators, including teachers with rosters, a few days after results are provided to district testing coordinators. These early results are for student-level information not for district or campus accountability reporting.

Test Administration Date early results are available for DTCs and superintendents Date early results are available for all educators who have access and are rostered in TIDE
STAAR EOC Assessments May 22 May 24
TELPAS Assessments May 23 May 24
STAAR Grades 3–8 Assessments May 30 June 4
STAAR Alternate 2 Assessments June 5 June 10

NOTE: TELPAS Alternate early results were available on April 9, 2024. 

To support district and campus administrators in making student-level decisions, the Student Assessment Division has developed an additional video resource, Accessing Early STAAR Results for District and Campus Administrators. This new video is available on the Reporting Events page in the District and Campus Coordinator Resources

SHOUT OUT! New Braunfels Independent School District’s Special Education Department

For the past 3 years, staff in New Braunfels Independent School District’s (NBISD) have engaged in professional development regarding Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) with ESC Region 20. They have been committed to deepening their understanding of SDI and improving educational outcomes for students receiving special education services. Check out this 20 minute video showcasing elementary and high school co-teachers and leadership teaching lessons and explaining how they implement and incorporate SDI in their classrooms.

Trending Topics in Special Education Monitoring

Trending Topics in Special Education is a resource for special education administrators to ensure timely access to relevant resources aligned to the top three areas of noncompliance each quarter. The topics are based on data collected through the Differentiated Monitoring and Support (DMS) system activities and are developed from commonly asked questions, clarifications, and compliance activities. Previously this newsletter was posted on the TEA website HERE; however, moving forward, trending topics will be included in four monthly Special Education Newsletters – November, February, May, and August.

During this quarter, the top three areas of noncompliance in special education monitoring are listed below. Additionally, within the top three areas, information about the elements from the Desk Review Rubric that were frequently cited is included. Relevant resources and professional development have been identified to support LEAs in these areas of noncompliance and are available free of charge.

IEP Development

The most recent group of monitoring identified common challenges with the development of measurable annual goals (ID10), impact and need statements in the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (ID2), and a description of how student progress will be measured (ID3).

  • Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (SB IEP) Process Training: This training provides participants with an understanding of the SB IEP process for gathering student data, including the full and individual evaluation (FIE), to write the student’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statement, to draft measurable annual goals with short-term objectives/benchmarks, if appropriate, and to create a data collection system for monitoring progress of the annual goals. It is available as an asynchronous online course and synchronously through each ESC. Each ESC offers coaching as well to support participants and ensure they apply the skills learned with fidelity.

  • Writing Effective Impact and Need Statements in the Full and Individual Evaluation: This recorded webinar provides guidance for writing effective needs statements related to the student’s disability in the initial FIE to create present level statements that lead to the development of an appropriate IEP.

  • A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor for Students with Complex Access Needs: This course is similar to the SB IEP Process training but delves deeper into topics relevant to students with complex access needs. Each ESC offers coaching as well to support participants and ensure they apply the skills learned with fidelity.

  • TIER Progress Monitoring Tool: The TIER Progress Monitoring Tool is a free progress monitoring platform to house data for students receiving interventions. It is intended for use with the accompanying instructional video.


The most recent group of monitoring identified common challenges with completing the first transition ARD meeting prior to a student’s 14th birthday, developing measurable post-secondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments, and ensuring the IEP addresses the transfer of rights of the student no later than one year before the 18th birthday. 

  • Writing Appropriate Measurable Postsecondary Goals: This asynchronous online course gives Texas educators the information and tools to write appropriate measurable postsecondary goals for students with disabilities. Each ESC offers coaching as well to support participants and ensure they apply the skills learned with fidelity.
  • Conducting Necessary Transition Assessments: This asynchronous online course gives educators the information and tools needed to conduct meaningful transition assessments. Each ESC offers coaching as well to support participants and ensure they apply the skills learned with fidelity.
  • Notice of Transfer of Rights Model Form: This document provides a model form, information, and resources for LE