The DiaLog

The DiaLog is the official journal of the Texas Educational Diagnosticians’ Association.

Submission Guidelines

DiaLog Editor
Dr. Emily Smith

[email protected]

 The DiaLog publishes original articles concerning special education and assessment issues. Potential
contributors are encouraged to submit reviews of research, case studies, best practices in assessment or
instruction, and reports of the effectiveness of innovative programs.  The DialLog is published twice annually.

The deadlines are as follows:  May 31 for Fall; December 31 for Spring.


Review Board: 

Manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board. Accepted manuscripts may be revised for clarity,
organization and length. A system of anonymous peer reviewing is used by The DiaLog. Please remove
all identifying information from the manuscript and include personal information on the cover sheet only.
Authors will be notified via e-mail regarding acceptance, resubmission with edits, or rejection of
manuscript. Manuscripts may not be submitted simultaneously to The DiaLog and other journals. Please
submit via email transmission as a word document to [email protected].



Manuscripts must be double-spaced throughout, including references with a length of 10 – 20 pages in
12-point Times New Roman font. Each copy of the manuscript should include a separate cover sheet
containing the title of the manuscript, the name(s) of the author(s) and affiliation(s). Also include the
street address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding senior author. The article title,
but not names of the author(s) should appear on the first page of the text. The content, organization, and
style of manuscripts should follow the most current edition of the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association. The author should make every effort to avoid the inclusion of clues to his or
her identity in the manuscript.



Authors must provide assurances that the manuscript is an original work that has not been previously
another publisher.



All articles will be preceded by an abstract of 100-200 words. Contributors are referred to the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association for assistance in preparing the abstract.


Responsibility of Authors: 

Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy of their contributions. The author is responsible for
obtaining permission to quote lengthy excerpts from previously published material. All figures submitted
must be submitted camera ready.


Use of Article by Author 

(Adapted from guidelines by SAGE publishing)
You may use a scanned copy of the published manuscript (or Original Submission or Accepted
Manuscript, if preferred) in the following ways:

  • in relation to your own teaching, provided that any electronic distribution maintains restricted
  • to share on an individual basis with research colleagues, provided that such sharing is not for
    commercial purposes
  • in your dissertation or thesis, including where the dissertation or thesis will be posted in any
    electronic Institutional Repository or database
  • in a book authored by you, at any time after the Contribution’s publication in the journal. 

Provided that: 

  • Access to the Original Submission and Accepted Manuscript is provided at no charge.
  • Any re-use terms for users of websites and repositories (where your Original
    Submission or Accepted Manuscript are posted) are restricted to non-commercial and no
    derivative uses.
  • You may not post the published manuscript on any unrestricted website or repository without
    permission from The DiaLog Editor.
  • You may not republish or translate any version of your Contribution in another journal without
    prior permission from The DiaLog Editor.
  • The journal as the original publication of your Contribution is appropriately credited by including
    the full citation information each time your Contribution, or excerpts, are further distributed or reused:
  • Once full citation information for your Contribution is available, please include this with your
    posted Contribution, in a format similar to the following:
    Author(s), Contribution Title, Journal Title (Journal Volume Number and Issue Number) pp. xxxx. Copyright © [year] (Copyright Holder).


PDF of DiaLog Submission Guidelines


Need Help?

Please feel free to reach out to us:

Dr. Emily Smith
DiaLog Editor